Pinacle payroll uses a unique database to store payroll data which ensures rapid payroll calculations and powerful reporting together with ease of use.
A key feature when running a payroll bureau, is to be able to make corrections quickly and efficiently. Pinacle supplies this ability by an option to ‘roll back’ an employee payroll history to the period in which the error occurred, correct it and roll just that employee forward to the current pay period; no restore of back-ups and no re-keying of employee data.
The database also enables payslips and other reports to be produced for previous pay periods and/or tax years obviating the need to search for paper records to answer queries or reproduce reports. You may therefore continue running a payroll after the tax year end and produce reports for the previous year (P60, P35, internet filing) when it is convenient.
The system also provides an option to calculate the required gross pay to give a specified net pay, even for directors.
Pinacle payroll includes the following: