Pinacle Accounts

Pinacle Accounts Pinacle accounts software has a unique interface which enables quick but very flexible generation of a variety of types of year end accounts. The flexibility of the accounts formats and nominal coding plan allow many types of accounts to be produced eg: sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, trusts etc. The built-in intelligence of the format minimises the editing required to produce final accounts and in most cases eliminates the requirement entirely.

The accounts suite consists of the following applications:

  • Sole trader accounts
  • Partnership accounts
  • Limited company accounts (optional)
  • Trust accounts (optional)
  • Doctors accounts (optional)
  • LLPs (optional)
  • Investment syndicate accounts (optional)
  • Fixed asset register

All accounts data including the full ledger and final accounts is stored in a comprehensive database which can reference up to 10 years for compliance, comparison and historical review purposes. The accounts integrate with taxation to transcribe the appropriate data to the corresponding tax return.

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